Saturday, July 5, 2008
The "Magic" of Page Kits

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
I'm in the process of getting some page "kits" together for Friday and Monday. We're having a bit of a scrapping marathon this weekend. I'm going to my BFF's house on Friday and then we're going to a local store on Monday, too. Funny how there are just a few people in my life that I can never spend enough time with. I'll have to scan my BFF layout and post it. It's pretty funny. Sunday, we took the kids to the park. They played on the playground and in the water for awhile and then they went on a paddle boat ride on the lake. When we were done there, we went to dinner at Sam's favorite restaurant, Olive Garden, and off to Graeter's for icecream. Can you tell Johanna was in heaven?

When we got home, Johanna found one of my favorite "fun" hats and put it on. Then, in typical Johanna style, she put on quite a show for us!

She's such a silly kid!
Today was a gorgeous day here. The temperature was perfect, especially for July. There's a nice breeze, too. I had to get outside for a little bit today and enjoy it. Johanna's daycare went to the zoo, too. Caitlin's been golfing most of the day and took a break to go to the movies with a friend. She's having a fun summer, but she's going to have to buckle down on her summer reading for AP English. That's her agenda for tomorrow and she doesn't even know it yet. :-)
I'll say goodbye for now. More tomorrow. I'll get around to posting some of my recent work here, too, as well as some pics of Miss C.
Day 1
My best friend, Lori, is putting together a scrapbooking retreat for the third week in August. I am so excited to go! Two and a half days and two nights of scrappy goodness with 7 or 8 friends. You can't beat that with a stick. :) My only dilemma is how on EARTH I am going to pack for this event. Heck, I never have what I need for a crop at the local store! August 15 can't come soon enough for me!
I'll keep it short today. It's late and I'm tired.