Have a happy and safe Halloween!
Have a happy and safe Halloween!
That's it for now. Thanks for visiting!
Johanna actually did most of the decorating. She had definite ideas about how she wanted everything to look!
I wish my scrappin' mojo would come back. I'm at least going to put some page kits together today for this weekend. I've got the pictures above and a few others that are probably scrap-worthy. I'm going to bring some stuff for paper crafting, just in case.
I guess that's about it for now. Thanks for visiting!
Since we didn't get out tonight, I thought I'd scrounge up a picture or two from the pumpkin farm last year. Have a great weekend and I'll try to pop in tomorrow.
I'll probably pop back in later with some more. In the meantime, have a great Wednesday!
Last week, Johanna was the "Star Student" at school. This means she gets to clean the board, lead the lines to the lunchroom, help the teacher, etc. They also have a "getting to know you" portion. She wrote down some things on index cards to talk about and took in pictures. I decided to make the pictures into a little mini book that she could pass around. Below are some of the pages.
Kinda freaks me out, actually. LOL
Today is the fifth anniversary of my last chemo treatment. And, tomorrow is Tim's birthday. We are actually going on a date! Imagine. LOL
Not much else going on around here. I do have a pic from Caitlin's birthday -- in the form of another layout.