Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year!
Today, Johanna and I went to Archivers to make some ornaments. No, not Christmas ornaments... VALENTINES ornaments. I have to say, they turned out SO CUTE! She did 90% of the work, too. I'll take a picture of them tomorrow when I have have some natural light. She really knocked my socks off at what a great job she did and we had great fun. Of course, I did not bring my camera. Bad, Karen, BAD!
Tonight, Miss Teen Thang is out at a sleepover. Miss J is chatting on the phone with her friend about Webkins. Tim is watching reruns of Smallville and I am here with you. Oh, what an exciting life we live. NOT. LOL That's okay, though, I'm living the dream.
Basic Grey has come out with a new line for Valentine's Day and it is FABU! I bought one of the paper packs to play with. It's muted off-pink and brown. Totally adorable and will work for males or females. That's what we used for Johanna's ornaments. I can hardly wait to have the pictures to go with it so I can dig in!!
Friday, it looks like I'm going to be scrapping with my pals who moved to Columbus. Ed and Linda will be coming down for the day. I can hardly wait! It's only been a few weeks, but it's just not the same without them. Don't get me wrong... Lori and I never met a stranger, but there's no one else like THESE scrapping buddies.
I can tell I'm kind of back in my groove. First, I didn't RACE to take the Christmas decorations down, like I have the last several years. I'll take everything down and put it away on Monday when the kids are back in school. Also, I was ahead of the game on Christmas shopping and now I have 3/4 of Johanna's Valentines finished. Not bad progress. I'll finish them for her on Friday and then I'll be home free for awhile. I'm starting my job hunt with extra energy next week, too, so I'm back in my groove just in time!!
I guess that's about it for now. No new pics or layouts, but I promise to have something to look at tomorrow. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Holiday Pages
Sunday, December 28, 2008
New Week = New Year
Caitlin shared this picture with me today. She spent last night and all day today with friends. I'm so happy when she does that, because she always comes back with great pictures to scrap. Her friend has quite the knack for creative photo editing. Actually, I really want to learn how to do some of these effects, myself.

I think that is so cool and can only imagine what I can do if I learn this. She said she'll teach me, but we'll see.
I hope you like the new look of the blog. I think it's a little easier on the eye and it's a little bit wider format. I'll play around with it some more to see if I can make it more interesting and interactive. I still have so much to learn.
Tomorrow is cleaning day so we'll be at home. Tuesday I think I am going to take Miss J scrapping. I really want to see Bedtime Stories, the new Adam Sandler / Disney movie, so I think we'll do that on Friday.
I guess that's about it for now. It's been quiet, so not much to tell. Thanks for stopping by!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas Past
We celebrated the fourth night of Chanukah with Lori and Sam. We all had such a fun and relaxing evening together. A little pizza, lots of sweet treats, a few gifts and the evening, I think, was a success. I love the picture, below, of the lit menorah in front of our tree. I'm so happy that our friends celebrate the season with us!

Johanna got a new "Fur Real" friend this year. She has named her new [toy] puppy Otis, after my brother's blonde lab. It really is a cute toy! I responds to commands to lay down, give you his paw, and shake. Very cool.

Even the cat wanted to get in on the fun! :-)

We hope all of you are having a wonderful holiday season!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Scrappy Give-away
Friday, December 19, 2008
Date Night
Today, my BFF and I are going scrapping while the kids are at school. Our last day of "freedom" before Christmas break, so we're going to make the most of it. Not sure I have very inspiring pictures to work with right now, but any time with Lori is time well-spent.
Last year, we went to Lori's house for Chanukkah. It was really special to be able to celebrate the fourth night with them. This year, they are coming here on Christmas Eve. We will have our Christmas Eve tradition of opening one gift each and eating some Christmas cookies, while Lori is going to bring a Menorah so we can celebrate lighting the candle for the third night of Chanukkah. I'm really excited about celebrating both holidays together. It is a great opportunity for her son and my girls to better appreciate each other's culture. I did a page about it last year (below).
Notice the candles on the separate card. That picture was taken through special 3-D glasses that make points of light look like a Jewish star. How COOL is that?! Tim took a picture of our Christmas tree through those glasses and it turned out really neat. I'm looking forward to getting a picture of the Menorah and our tree this year.
I have to run and get Johanna off to school now. Have a great day!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Happy Birthday, Hanna!!
When Tim brought Johanna home, she opened the rest of her gifts. Next, we went to dinner with our dear friends Lori and Sam, who gave her even more presents! When we got home, Hanna played with her new things until Caitlin got home, when we could finally have cake. Hanna played some more and then it was off to bed. I have to say, she was wound-up really tight! :-)
One of the gifts Lori and Sam gave her was a felt craft to make a hat, scarf, and purse. Hanna was so excited, she made the hat already! Here's a pic of her in it...

Her cake this year was the head of a snowman. A picture of that is below.

So, as you can see, it was a full and fun day. It's hard to believe that Christmas is only a week away! Where does the time go?
Here's hoping that most of your holiday "chores" are complete so you can enjoy a restful and fun season. Thanks for visiting!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Things that I love...
I love watching football on Sundays with my husband. Even if our team isn't doing so well (which is most of the time), I just love that we have a little block of time we set aside to sit and watch football together. The days and the weeks get so hectic, I really cherish those moments. We'll put out some salsa and chips and relax. The kids are in and out, but mostly it's just us.
I loved watching my baby play out in the first snow of the season. There was only about 3/4", but she was playing like it was a foot of snow! LOL There wasn't enough snow, of course, for the traditional [1/2] igloo, so she made a snow nest for the birds and put cracker crumbs in it. So cute! Here's my "little blue angel."

New subject... two of our dearest scrapping buddies are moving to Columbus today. We have scrapped with them almost every weekend since early spring this year. They are going to be closer to family and we certainly understand that, but boy are we going to miss them!!
At the scrapbook store yesterday we didn't spend a lot of time scrapping. Instead we did some crafty things. The main project involved some candles, a lot of glitter, a Cricut, and a heat gun. What a glittery mess I was when we finished! I am so happy with the end result, though. Below is a picture of two of the candles I made, which now reside proudly on my mantle.

Thanks for stopping by!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Nobody's home, so it must be Monday!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Mission Accomplished
This year, I went a little bit of a different direction with gift wrapping. I decided to get some plain brown paper (the kind they use for shipping) and then wrap the brown packages with beautiful ribbons. So, that's what I did! Johanna's ribbons are bright green and pink... like the bows on the tree, and Caitlin's are a very sophisticated color and pattern of peacock blues and gold. That will make it a lot easier to tell the packages apart on Christmas morning. Here's an example of a few of the packages amongst the mess this afternoon.
The best part is, FedEx gave me the brown paper for FREE!
I am also on schedule with my December Daily Journal -- days 1 & 2 are complete. Day 1 is about our tree and day 2 is about the gift wrapping today. Filling the pre-made book is proving to be pretty easy. Some adjustments, but nothing major. When I didn't have enough room for the photo I wanted and journaling about the tree, I printed the picture, journaled on the back of it and then laminated it with the Xyron Laminating Sheets -- SO quick and easy! I punched my holes and dropped it in as an additional page. Turned out great!

Completing my shopping and wrapping took up the bulk of my day. Tim brought home a little sushi tonight, which was a nice surprise and then we hunkered down to watch a movie. It was a really nice day.
Thanks for visiting!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Making a list, checking it twice...
I have decided that HGTV is costing me a lot of time and/or money. I can sit down to watch one show and want to try half the stuff I see them do -- stuff I could very well live without. A couple of the decorating ideas came from HGTV just this weekend.

Then there are the less glamorous or fun things. I have laundry to do, a dishwasher to empty, and glass table tops that are screaming to be wiped down. Oh, the joys of being a SAHM.
Have a great day!!