Friday, Miss J and I went to Archivers. She did a page that was so cute! I'll have to scan and post some of her work, too. I'm so glad she enjoys scrapping! We were at the store for 3-1/2 hours and the time just flew. I was making a mini book and she wanted to make one with me. These books are tricky. There's lots of measuring involved and it's really difficult to get everything straight. I told her it was probably too difficult for her to do just yet but she wanted to anyway. Well, there's nothing she likes more than to prove me wrong. lol She did a GREAT job and put together a beautiful book! I showed her where to measure her pieces to and she did all of the measuring herself! The bonus is, that will put her ahead of the game in school, too. I was so proud of her.
The book I was working on is for Caitlin. She takes a TON of pictures on her phone. I figured I would make her a book so they could all be in one place. Then, when she's tired of the book, I can "sneak" it away andput it up for her. Below is a picture of the cover, so far.
Caitlin's golf season is in full swing (pardon the pun). She's averaging three matches and a practice a week. Funny thing is, she'll finish a match and then go leisure golfing with one of the other girls for fun afterward. Miss C went on a date to a football game Saturday night. It was the city's biggest high school rival teams and they played in the stadium at the University. It was terrifying letting my little girl go there. I don't know why. I went there at her age. Just a dose of reality, I guess, that she's really not my little girl anymore. Who am I kidding anyway? She'll be 17 next month. Here is the picture she had taken last week for golf.

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