I do feel incredibly sorry for the kid. If he's in Caitlin's class, he hasn't been driving for very long. I can't imagine what will happen to his insurance and he just lost his transportation to school, work, and a social life. Tim drives a Jeep Grand Cherokee so the damage was relatively minor. The back bumper sort of folded underneath the back end. There doesn't seem to be any damage to the metal, though. Hardly seems possible. Thank goodness he wasn't in my car! He already has a bad neck and back, so we have to watch him pretty carefully the next day or two. The boy, on the other hand, was not so lucky. Thankfully, no one was hurt. But, the hood of his car was smashed half way back and it, of course, had to be towed.
Johanna brought home her first batch of graded school papers today. There were all A's, except one B+. WTG, Johanna! We also got our first list of vocabulary words for a test this Friday. She got all but three of them correct when I quizzed her, so hopefully we'll have them all down pat by the end of the week.
My mom's been on my mind a lot lately. I think it's the time of year. She loved fall. The end of this month will be 12 years she's been gone. It's so hard to believe. Every year, on her birthday, I go to the cemetery and send helium balloons to heaven. I lay on the ground until I see the last balloon disappear out of sight. Those who know me well know that my mom lost her fight with cancer on my older daughter's birthday. I didn't have time last year to go to the cemetery. It was Caitlin's Sweet 16 and we were hosting a big party at the club. When the party was over, Caitlin wanted (with her guests) to take all of the balloons out on the balcony and let them go. Only we would know the meaning behind the gesture, though. So, that's what we did. I just scrapped these pictures a few weeks ago. It took me almost an entire year to give them a proper home. I'm happy with the result.
Thanks for visiting!
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