Saturday, August 2, 2008

Catching Up

So much to do; so little time. When I'm short on time, it seems blogging is about the first thing to go. It's all good, though. The kids sure keep me running, especially Miss C. She won her last two tournaments. She won every single match in her Match-Play last week. The week before that, she won the Jr. Girls Championship and got the COOLEST trophy. Next week she has tryouts for Varsity golf. We know she's on the team, but she needs to golf for "placement" on the team. What spot you're in effects a lot during the regular season. Poor kids are going to have to golf four days in a row in over 90 degree heat with no rain in sight. There are no seniors this year, so Miss C will likely be the team captain. That's pretty cool and will be great for her golf resume. Here is Caitlin's trophy. Kinda looks like her, doncha think?

Miss J and I are having a ball this summer. She's home with me two days a week and we find all kinds of "trouble" to get into. :)

Last week, I made a mini book for the local family who received an Extreme Home Makeover. The girls and I took the book over last Thursday. She seemed to really like it. The house is GORGEOUS. I did get to peek in the front door. What a nice person Ginger (the mom) is! We stood on the porch and chatted for close to 1/2 hour. We asked her to come scrap with us sometime. Hopefully she'll take us up on it. I'm including a few pictures of the book, below.

We had our family reunion a couple of weeks ago. It was fun. We did have a good time. The kids had a ball. Johanna had a bunch of cousins to play with and, as usual, Caitlin and her cousin Ryan hung together like two peas in a pod. Abby is Johanna's "partner in crime." Inseparable, those two. I'll include a layout and a photo from our day together.

See? Don't they look like they're about to be up to no good? LOL Actually, they entertain each other and are angels when they're together.
Thanks for visiting! More to come... I promise.

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