Saturday, January 31, 2009

What A Week!

Exhausting. That is the word of the week. :-) The kids were home four days this week due to ice and snow... and a LOT of it! We were virtual prisoners in our own home (only a slight exaggeration). Caitlin was a little like a caged animal. LOL Johanna was just bored and mommy needed to "entertain" her. The temps were so cold that I couldn't even let her play outside very long. It hovered around -7 wind chill all week. The bright side... we didn't lose our power.

Today, the temp went up a bit and the wind died down. While I was gone for awhile, Tim took Johanna outside to build an igloo. Here is a pic from the day. I'll finish some more and post them later.

My "Ice Princess." :-)

I'm really looking forward to the Super Bowl tomorrow. I'm praying for an upset and that the Cardinals will win. I'm thinking they are no match for the Steelers dirty tactics, though. I'm sure they'll mame a key player in the first quarter. Boooo! Thugs. I'm not bitter. ;-)

Due to the recent imprisonment, there's not much else to tell. I'll post more pics from today later on and I'm sure I'll have a few thoughts to share about the big game. Thanks for stopping by!

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